3527 McAlevy's Fort Rd Petersburg PA 16669
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Lower Operating Cost
Enhanced Comfort
Environmentally Friendly
Calvin D. Pierce Heating & Cooling strives to offer energy-efficient services that are beneficial to your home. One option that we offer is geothermal systems. Geothermal systems are our specialty. For as long as they've been around, that's how long we've been using them and using them correctly. Geothermal systems are an energy-efficient solution that can pay for themselves once installed and even save you money in the long run!
By combining stored earth energy with safe electric power, many WaterFurnace owners realize savings up to 70% for heating, cooling, and hot water. According to Department of Energy and the EPA, geothermal systems are the most environmentally friendly, efficient and cost effective.
For questions or inquiries concerning geothermal systems, contact us today at (814) 234-8366.
Address: 3527 McAlevy's Fort Rd Petersburg PA 16669
Email: tiffany@calvinpierceheatandcool.com
Phone: (814) 234-8366